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"Combine Demolition Derby" (***-77 minutes)

Anyone who is familiar with this blog will know of my particular love for the documentary film genre. Local documentary film maker & educator Fil Sibley has lovingly put together a fun doc. For anyone who thought demolition derbies were only for cars, this is the perfect video to open your eyes! FSP Media Communications was there in Carroll County, MD to record the first ever Carroll County, Maryland 4H Fair Combine Demolition Derby and will provide you with a front row seat to the hilarious goings-on. You’ll go behind the scenes with the crew of “Lucille” as they feverishly prepare their enormous 1964 combine (which has been stored unused for 20 years in a shed!) for the crash-ups to come. Eleven teams (including The Pink Elephant, The Tin Man, & Haney The Holstein teams) competed in the multiple heats, including the pre-event Parade of Combines-which is a hoot in itself! Director Fil Sibley used 6 cameras to record the fun and also provides behind the scenes interviews with the participants. FSP will take you to the fair & the derby without ever having to leave your living room!! Great fun!!! If you'd like to purchase "Combine Demolition Derby", contact Fil at He has produced other films, including profiles of female race car drivers Sarah Fisher & Geneva "Gee Wiz" Williams, & various travelogues around the world. Additional information on these can be found at

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